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Protobuf and gRPC with Bazel

The use of Protobuf and gRPC with Bazel is a particularly common scenario, since these three technologies provide a complimentary base of build, serialization and remote-call upon which to build complex systems and products. This document summarizes the current state of the Protobuf/gRPC Bazel ecosystem and gives advice on getting started when you are looking to integrate one of these tools into your project.

Given that all three of Bazel, gRPC and Protobuf are Google-derived projects, you may expect that there is a simple integration between them. However, the existence of this document should indicate that there is not a single simple answer to integrating these tools. Originally, Protobuf and gRPC rules were baked into Bazel for a few key languages, but this has understandably not continued to scale with the many new languages that are now supported in external Bazel rulesets. As a result, independent rulesets have been released by the community that provide the integrations necessary to convert .proto files into a wide variety of languages and libraries.

This page is expected to continue as a ‘live’ document; as the ecosystem evolves and new rulesets are released, this document can be edited at SIG-rules-authors to continue to reflect today’s state.

The Basics

At its most basic level, the task of working with Protobuf and gRPC .proto files is much the same as outside of Bazel: we execute the Protobuf Compiler protoc with the necessary arguments, environment and plugins to get it to produce a desired set of files or libraries for any specific language. For those unfamiliar with protoc, it is a small compiler executable that parses sets of .proto files and executes plugins to write a set of output source code files. These files implement the interfaces for working with the messages and services in the language supported by the plugin.

However, given the prevalence of Protobuf and gRPC use, users are not expected to reinvent the rules needed for calling protoc themselves. Instead, the common base dependency ruleset bazelbuild/rules_proto provides the proto_library rule which can be used to establish libraries of .proto files, map their dependencies and validate the correctness of the syntax and imports. For example, suppose we have the following dependency tree of .proto files:

Tree of proto files

For this set of files, we could define the following collection of proto_library targets. Note that some rulesets introduced later, such as stackb/rules_proto and rules_go, provide tooling through Gazelle for auto-generating these proto_library targets from the .proto files.

load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")

  name = "proto_a",
  srcs = ["A.proto"],

  name = "proto_b",
  srcs = ["B.proto"],

  name = "proto_c",
  srcs = ["C.proto"],
  deps = [":proto_a", ":proto_b"], # Provides the depended files when calling protoc

Using bazel query, we can view the graph that Bazel has assembled from the targets, showing it correctly reflects the dependency of proto_c on proto_a and proto_b (you must have dot from Graphviz installed):

bazel query --output graph --nograph:factored 'kind(proto_library, //...)' | dot -Tpng > graph.png

Generated graph of proto_library targets

Note that we could in principle have grouped all of these .proto files under a single proto_library in this particular example. In real codebases these files may be under separate directories and managed by different groups or companies. However, even in situations where we could group a set of .proto files, it is still recommended to instead have a proto_library target per input .proto file; this allows for better build parallism and reduces rebuild times when a single .proto file is changed.

At this point we have defined the abstract collections of .proto files, but these targets alone do not provide the source code artifacts to interact with the messages and services within our code, since we have not given protoc any plugins or target languages. Therefore, we need to introduce rulesets that can consume these targets and provide the language-specific plugins and knowledge to produce libraries.

The Ruleset Options

Within the Bazel ecosystem, there are three main types of rulesets to consider when using Protobuf or gRPC:

  • Canonical Dependencies: The Protobuf and gRPC source repositories contain a minimal selection of rules for their key languages (C++, Python). Whilst these rules may benefit from needing no further dependencies, they are generally poorly documented and do not necessarily integrate with the proto_library rule introduced earlier.

  • Cross-Language Rulesets: There are two main multi-language rulesets available: rules_proto_grpc and stackb/rules_proto. These rulesets provide a common rule interface to produce assets from .proto files across a wide variety of supported languages. The difference between the two is in how the rules assemble their targets and actions, with rules_proto using Gazelle to capture some of the more difficult behaviours of plugins.

  • Language-Specific Rulesets: Finally we have the language-specific rulesets, which may introduce their own specialized rules for supported language, such as seen in rules_go. The benefit of these rules is that they are designed and supported around the needs of the specific language involved and benefit from the expertise of the rules authors. However, in any multi-language project, this may require using multiple varieties of rules with different behaviours.

You may be left asking why there is no single ruleset that encompasses all requirements for Protobuf and gRPC, but unfortunately there are a number of tradeoffs inherent to each of these rulesets, which we will explore later.

The full list of available rulesets has been compiled in the table below, showing the languages supported by each. If you know of a ruleset not shown in this list, please open an issue here.

Picking a Ruleset

Given the above options of rulesets, it may appear difficult to select which to use when introducing Protobuf or gRPC to a project. However, the selection essentially comes down to a process of elemination. As a prerequisite for these steps, you should consider the languages you currently need to support within your project and any you may expect to support in the near future, as this dictates the majority of the choices:

  1. If you have a single required language (or a low but manageable number), consider using the language-specific rulesets if they are available and suitably documented. As mentioned before, these rulesets benefit from being tailored to the language requirements and you will likely be pulling these rulesets into your workspace already.

  2. If you have multiple supported languages or languages that do not have language-specific proto/gRPC rules, consider using one of the two cross-language rulesets listed above. In this case, you will benefit from the common rule interface and behaviour between your languages. Choosing between the two rulesets will effectively come down to your preference for using Gazelle within your project and the languages supported by each.

You may notice that the ‘Canonical’ rulesets introduced above are not suggested in this decision process. This is due to their poor integration with other rulesets using proto_library and their lack of useful documentation on their rules. Should they meet your specific requirements you may want to consider them, but beware that expanding to new languages in the future will require larger changes to your handling of .proto files.

In Depth

Given the above variety of options and rulesets, it is useful to explore why the ecosystem appears so fragmented and what makes this a more difficult problem that it may at first seem.

At the top-level, all of these rulesets depend on the bazelbuild/rules_proto ruleset described previously, which introduces the proto_library language-agnostic rule, which collects a set of .proto files and transforms them to a set of FileDescriptorSet and ProtoInfo providers.

However, the complications on top of this process come in four main varieties:

  • Plugin Output Predictability: Predictability in the context of a protoc plugin is used to mean that the outputs produced are stably definable purely from the input .proto file names and the plugin options. Under this definition, all of the core languages supported by the canonical Protobuf and gRPC implementations are considered predictable. However, a number of third-party plugins for other languages become non-predictable when dealing with gRPC and services; the most commonly observed behaviour is that they will produce output files named by the services within the .proto files. On the extreme end, there are some plugins that produce no outputs and are expected to be executed as tests, such as for validation.

    This non-predictability is a challenge for Bazel, which expects to be able to assemble the full graph of files and targets without having to read the contents of any of the source files. Resolving this behaviour into a structure that can work under Bazel leads to a large part of the variation between rulesets. At a basic level, a number of these plugins can be manipulated into a predictable behaviour through options and post-processing, or the use of declare_directory to capture the full output tree without knowing its structure ahead of time.

    However, some plugins are sufficiently odd that the above process is unsuitable or unable to capture the behaviour; this is where stackb/rules_proto introduces a Gazelle plugin, which directly parses the .proto files, captures any of the plugin behaviour in Go functions and produces BUILD files that satisfy all of Bazel’s requirements.

  • Plugin Configurability: Many protoc plugins have a high degree of configurability, with options that may radically alter the outputs and the behaviour of the generated code. As such, supporting the full range of options can be a challenge to wrap in a sensible Starlark rule API. Generally, options that only alter the output file content are well supported across rulesets, with mechanisms for injecting and manipulating these options in the rules. However, options that alter the output directory layout may trigger the output predictability issue above, with a similar conclusion regarding the introduction of Gazelle.

  • Cross-Cutting: Rulesets that support Protobuf and gRPC need to know about both protoc execution and about the target languages for which the plugins are generating files. This requires the authors of such rulesets to have expertise in every language that they hope to support, whilst also having expertise in how protoc itself works, which narrows the pool of people interested in tackling this.

  • Dependencies: Due to the above cross-cutting nature, a ruleset that supports many languages also ends up with many dependencies, on both other rulesets and on Protobuf/gRPC implementations. Due to how dependencies currently work with Bazel workspaces, this typically results in users stuck with a Protobuf/gRPC version dictated by their choice of rulesets, unless they are comfortable overriding dependencies. This also makes maintenance of these rulesets more challenging, since rules authors must keep on top of updates to their upstream dependencies.

    The introduction of bzlmod to Bazel (expected in version 6, but testable with an experimental flag in version 5) will hopefully resolve many of the dependency issues listed above and in doing so remove workload from rules authors and allow rules users more freedom to choose versions. Under bzlmod, the dependency tree is explicitly managed by the end user, with updates to transitive dependencies handled transparently without updates needed to intermidiary rulesets.

The above four points dictate much of fragmentation seen between rulesets, since there are numerous solutions to these problems, each with their own tradeoffs. The solution that works well for one language may be less suitable for another, leading to naturally diverging behaviour. As such, hopefully it is now slightly cleared why there is such a diversity of Protobuf and gRPC rulesets, with no single ‘right answer’ that solves everyones’ problems.

Custom Plugins

Once you’ve got Protobuf and gRPC fully integrated with your project and workspace, you may then find yourself wanting to use a custom protoc plugin that is either closed source or is otherwise unsupported by any of the available rulesets. In these cases, rather than completely reinvent the protoc calling conventions in your own rules, both of the cross-language rulesets linked above provide mechanisms for integrating your plugin with their standard calling convention.

With stackb/rules_proto, you can extend the Gazelle plugin to support your custom plugin’s, by capturing its full behaviour in a few Go functions. With rules_proto_grpc, you can define your own proto_plugin and the supporting compilation rules.

There are situations in which these tools are insufficient for a specific plugin, but many of the more standard use-cases will be supported here.

Common Issues

When working with Protobuf and gRPC under Bazel, there are some issues that are widely seen by many users:

  • Caching: The way Protobuf is built with Bazel is incredibly fragile to cache misses, leading to frequent rebuilds of protoc for no clear reason. This issue is particularly prevalent on CI systems, where getting protoc to cache is particularly challenging. There is no clear single cause for this behaviour, since apparently identical environments may still miss the cache.

    This has led to protoc being downloaded as a prebuilt binary in bazelbuild/rules_proto, but this mechanism breaks when a user wants to use a different protobuf version.

  • Python Toolchains & gRPC: When working with Python and gRPC, the Bazel build of gRPC bypasses the Python toolchains defined through the Python rules in rules_python. Under normal circumstances (a single system Python), this typically resolve consistently. However, when a custom Python toolchain is used or the system has a more complex Python setup, the gRPC build may resolve the incorrect Python version. This may result in a Python extension that is incompatible with the target Python.

Resources and Further Reading

For further detail on some of these topics, please consider looking at the following: